At BT Prep, we simplify SAT preparation for both students and parents. We insure that our clients thoroughly understand the exam process in order to maximize the number of available opportunities when applying to college.
We harness the latest technologies in order to create an unparalleled and enjoyable experience for our clients.
Our clients are trained to think both logically and efficiently. Students are taught to absorb information and draw conclusions, not simply regurgitate a set of memorized facts. This information is then filtered rapidly and used to formulate a concise solution.
We harness the latest technologies in order to create an unparalleled and enjoyable experience for our clients.
Our clients are trained to think both logically and efficiently. Students are taught to absorb information and draw conclusions, not simply regurgitate a set of memorized facts. This information is then filtered rapidly and used to formulate a concise solution.
“As a parent, I was extremely impressed with the personalized design of the program... At the conclusion of the sessions, Phil provided Dustin with a thorough analysis of his strengths and weaknesses, along with the "next steps" for Dustin to take. Phil also did an outstanding job of communicating throughout the duration of the program. Dustin's experience was positive, productive and motivating!”
~ Kimberly Scaringe |
"The Brothers Test Prep course provided an excellent SAT review for my son, Griffin. The initial assessment, followed by a combination of self-study and Online mentoring sessions kept him on track and allowed us to efficiently monitor his progress."
~Mike Fisher |
"My best endorsement of this program is that I enrolled my second son into the Brothers Test Prep as soon as it was available this spring. Without any question, I highly recommend this course for your son."
-Dr. Joseph Glennon
-Dr. Joseph Glennon